
The Ripple Effect of Your Life
One of the most powerful and life-changing aspects of the Near-Death Experience is the Life Review where we get to review all of our life's choices, words, and deeds. Not only do we see the immediate impact of our actions, we get to see the extended and long-term...

Near-Death Experiencers See Guides and Guardian Angels
Many NDErs talk about seeing and interacting with spiritual guides or guardian angels during their time on the Other Side. They discover these heavenly Beings of Light are with us throughout our lifetime and, like God, love us unconditionally. “I noticed two of the...

The Powerful Impact of the Life Review
Near-Death Experiencers (NDErs) tell us one of the most powerful and life-changing parts of their death-defying near-death experience is when they see their entire lifetime of situations, relationships, conversations, and choices appear before them in what is known as...

Why Look to Near-Death Experiencers for Insights on the Afterlife?
What makes Near Death Experiencers (NDErs) such valuable and credible sources of knowledge about spiritual values and principles? Here are three primary reasons: 1. NDErs have been to Heaven and experienced the Afterlife first-hand. Think of it this way: If you wanted...

God’s Immense, Intense, and Indescribable Love for All of Us
Some of the most beautiful descriptions from NDErs are of God’s TOTAL and ALL-ENCOMPASSING LOVE for us – even capitalizing all the letters to emphasize its importance is grossly inadequate. Though most are at a complete loss for words when it comes to capturing the...

We Come to Earth to Learn About Love
Because God is all about love and love is the key to everything, the overwhelming message NDErs share is that we come to earth to learn all about love. Our primary purpose on earth is to learn and practice love. It’s as if our earthly lives were specifically created...

EARTH: A Spiritual Development Boarding School for Your Soul
Many NDErs talk about Earth as a kind of school or spiritual development camp we attend for the education of our souls. Like parents sending their kids away to boarding school, think of your earthly experience like God and you thinking it is a great idea for you to...

What Are the Questions on God’s Final Exam?
If you thought final exams in school were stressful, imagine having to answer directly to God at the end of your life! Talk about pressure! Wouldn’t you love to somehow know exactly what the questions were ahead of time so you could prepare accordingly and be ready...

3 Primary Problems with Fear
1. Fear Holds Us Back and Limits Us Fear limits us from being what we could be. Our fears become self-imposed shackles that hold us back and keep us from living a fun and fulfilling life. We settle for the safe path rather than the one that truly calls our soul and...

Every Successful Person Has Jumped!
Television host Steve Harvey has a tremendous book and video called Jump that my friend Cathy shared with me. Harvey reminds us that everyone experiences fear but successful people break through their fear and develop the courage to overcome it. He says, “I’m going to...