3 Primary Problems with Fear

3 Primary Problems with Fear

1. Fear Holds Us Back and Limits Us Fear limits us from being what we could be. Our fears become self-imposed shackles that hold us back and keep us from living a fun and fulfilling life. We settle for the safe path rather than the one that truly calls our soul and...
Every Successful Person Has Jumped!

Every Successful Person Has Jumped!

Television host Steve Harvey has a tremendous book and video called Jump that my friend Cathy shared with me. Harvey reminds us that everyone experiences fear but successful people break through their fear and develop the courage to overcome it. He says, “I’m going to...
We Need You!

We Need You!

You are here for an important reason. Don’t waste your precious time or squander your opportunity to make a real difference here on earth. As multiple Near-Death Experiencers have said: You play a critical and essential part in this world. People’s lives will not be...
A Special VIP Pass to Visit Heaven

A Special VIP Pass to Visit Heaven

Imagine somehow receiving a special VIP Pass to Visit Heaven… Would you take it? This special pass would allow you to visit heaven for a short time and come back to your earthly life. On your visit you would get the amazing opportunity to see and interact with your...

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