Have you ever wondered…
Many people say finding and fulfilling their life’s purpose is one of their BIGGEST STRUGGLES in life.
Fortunately, our Near-Death Experiencer (NDEr) friends learn powerful answers to these perplexing questions on their death-defying trips to the Other Side. They provide us with the definitive and soul-satisfying answers we’ve all been dying to know – literally and figuratively.
Over the past year, I’ve done a deep dive into hundreds of mind-blowing and profound NDEs focused on unearthing our life’s purpose for my newest book FIND AND FULFILL YOUR PURPOSE (which you can pre-order now at a special 20% discount until April 18 before it drops May 1).
I’ve discovered so many interesting and surprising findings that unlock the mystery of our life’s sacred path, discover our destinies, and help us pinpoint our life’s sacred purpose.
In researching thousands of NDErs like Dr. Mary Neal, who as she likes to say, were shockingly “kicked out” of Heaven and express shipped back to earth, I’ve uncovered many secrets about the purpose of human life, the purpose of planet Earth, and how our individual purposes are divinely selected, seeded, and shrouded from us even before we’re born.
As a sneak peak into this groundbreaking new research before I reveal it all in the FIND AND FULFILL YOUR PURPOSE book in May, here are the four primary purposes we should find and complete during our precious and fleeting time on earth. As you read through each one, consider how well YOU are doing in terms of fulfilling that purpose.
One of our soul’s essential purposes during our time on Earth is to expand our ability to love universally and unconditionally. Our goal is to develop our capacity to love everyone and everything with the same universal and unconditional love with which God loves us.
Obviously choosing to be loving, kind, and understanding with everyone is a tough challenge but one we get numerous opportunities to enhance when interacting with people who don’t think like us, look like us, worship like us, vote like us, etc. Earth provides the perfect workout gym to improve and strengthen our ability to love.
“You’re here on Earth to learn about unconditional love and you’re still learning – we all are – so don’t put pressure on yourself. It would serve you well to be an attentive student who’s eager to study hard; after all, love is the most important and beautiful subject you can study at the school of life.” Anke Evertz
How well are you learning to love family, friends, strangers, and people you perceive as enemies both universally and unconditionally?
NDErs tell us another primary purpose for our life is to serve our special and custom designed mission during our limited time on Earth. They discover that God specifically designed every one of us to use our unique abilities, strengths, and passions to make our corner of the world a better place. Each of us has been blessed with unique talents and interests that serve and contribute meaningfully to the people around us.
“We come to Earth with a purpose. When you know you have a purpose in being alive, you live life differently… On the Other Side, it is all that matters: did we accomplish that mission or not? We are not judged by anyone but we feel like a failure if we realize we did not accomplish the mission we incarnated for… I also remembered having agreed to accomplish a mission. I came to Earth to accomplish a mission.” Chantal
How well do you know and act on the special mission you have been tasked with during your time on Earth?
Our soul came here to “Earth School” to learn important lessons we just can’t in Heaven because things are so damn blissful and beautiful all the time. The challenges, chaos, and hardships of human life and the craziness of planet Earth allow us to see how well we can learn and apply the lessons of love, compassion, courage, patience, perseverance, forgiveness, empathy, etc. Life’s toughest challenges often teach us our most valuable and memorable lessons.
“The Being of Light reminded me that my purpose was to learn more about love, compassion, and how to express them on Earth, and that my work was to help other people in any way I could.” Lisa M.
How well are you learning your spiritual lessons about compassion, courage, patience, perseverance, forgiveness, empathy, etc?
Finally, NDErs learn in Heaven that our fourth primary purpose is to teach others important spiritual lessons. As they say, the best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else.
One of our purposes in life is teach spiritual lessons to others, especially our children if we have them: to model courage in the face of fear, extend love in response to hate, demonstrate forgiveness instead of retribution, and offer acceptance instead of judgment. Our time on earth provides us with numerous opportunities to choose and act on the harder right versus react with the easier wrong.
“I was also given a message that I was going to teach and that mission has been incredibly powerful. God was right, I actually teach at a college called Trinity River… God told me that my purpose would be to teach and remind others of their light… My mission is to work as a teacher and a professor. And I’ve been so blessed to see that. I don’t see students walking into my class, I see souls, and my mission is to just help them on their journey… From what I felt in my near-death experience, I was given a life mission to teach and to remind students to turn on their lights.” Tricia Barker
What wisdom have you gained over the years and how can you teach it to others to help them see their light and potential within?
To discover how you can find, crystallize, and fulfill your life’s 4 Primary Purposes, be sure to check out our all-new FIND AND FULFILL YOUR PURPOSE book!
Not only does this book provide you with all the tools necessary to uncover your life’s sacred path and divine destiny, it also includes 8 practical Pinpoint Your Life’s Purposes exercises and dozens of soul-stirring purpose prompts to reveal your purposes!