We’re all on a spiritual journey throughout life.
Some of us can take the slow, scenic route while others of us are broken open and catapulted on our spiritual quest after experiencing a major life trauma or change.
No matter where you are on your personal spiritual journey, what started you on the path, or what you’re dealing with in your life, the insights and lessons of Near-Death Experiences are highly instructive, inspiring, and comforting.
We’re humbled and honored to offer several enlightening and encouraging resources and courses no matter what you’re dealing with in life or where you are on your personal spiritual journey.
If you’re early on your spiritual journey and/or devastated by the loss of a loved one, we recommend these resources…
This book provides soul-satisfying answers to these 10 Questions:
1. Is there really life after death?
2. What actually happens when we die?
3. Are we and our deceased loved ones okay after death?
4. Do we or our loved ones suffer in any way?
5. Does anyone ever die alone?
6. Are we judged at death and if so how?
7. Where do we and our loved ones go after death?
8. Are my deceased loved ones still a part of my life now?
9. What do my loved ones in spirit want for me and my life?
10. If Heaven is so good why should I stay here?
Spiritual Development Level: Beginner and appropriate for many Intermediate seekers as well. This book is best for those who are newer to Near-Death Experiences and are in the early stages of their spiritual journey.
Grief: This book is specially geared for people who have lost a loved and are shattered by the early stages of grief. It is also appropriate for those facing a terminal illness or caring for someone who is.
Soul Peeps Course: NDE 101 – Comforting Truths from Heaven When Facing Death, Grief, and/or Fear
We also provide an inspiring and interactive 8-week course and discussion group on this topic as well. You can enroll in our open Soul Peeps courses or if you have at least 10 people who would like to do a Book Study on Comforting Truths from Heaven, you can email us at [email protected] to arrange a special Book Study for your book club, grief group, church group, mom’s group, etc.
If you’re further along on your spiritual journey and already have a basic or solid understanding of NDEs, we recommend these two books and courses.
- what actually happens to us and our loved ones when we die
- if heaven and hell really exist, who goes to each, and why
- what critical questions we’ll all be asked at the end of our life
- who really judges us, when, how, and the exact criteria used
- why bad things happen to good people and how to overcome them
- how life’s hardships and heartaches are surprisingly designed to help us
- why we’re here on earth and what we’re meant to do and accomplish
- why forgiving ourselves and others is essential for our soul’s growth
- why everyone has a unique purpose and how to find and fulfill yours
- why we can trust completely that everything happens for a reason
Spiritual Development Level: Intermediate but some Beginners and even Advanced people can benefit from this book as well. Newer, moderate, or advanced understanding of NDEs.
Grief: This book and course is best for people who are beyond the initial shattering stages of grief and looking to rebuild their life and move forward after a devastating loss.
Soul Peeps Course: NDE 210 – 10 Life-Changing Lessons from Heaven to Enhance or Rebuild Your Life
We also provide a course and discussion group on the 10 Lessons. You can enroll in our open courses or if you have at least 10 people who would like to do a Book Study on the 10 Life-Changing Lessons from Heaven, you can email us at [email protected] to arrange a special Book Study for your book club, grief group, church group, mom’s group, etc.
- recognize your powerful Ripple Effect on your family, friends, and the world
- realize you really do matter and everything you do matters to someone
- find and fulfill your life’s special mission and purpose here on Earth
- understand the many mysteries of life, death, God, and the Afterlife
- know your deceased loved ones are alive and well in Heaven
- live your life fully and fearlessly with more purpose, passion, and perspective
Spiritual Development Level: Intermediate or Advanced Spiritual Seeker, This book and course delves deeply into the paradigm-shifting Life Review and is best for those who have an Intermediate or Advanced understanding of NDEs.
Grief: This book is appropriate for those who are pretty far along on their grief journey.
Soul Peeps Course: NDE 360 – Your Life’s Ripple Effect: How and Why Your Life Really Matters
We also provide an online course and discussion group on Your Life’s Ripple Effect. You can enroll in our open courses or if you have at least 10 people who would like to do a Book Study on the book, you can email us at [email protected] to arrange a personal Book Study for your book club, grief group, church group, mom’s group, etc.
Prerequisites: Recommended to take NDE 101 and NDE 210 before NDE 360
Finally, if you’re an advanced Spiritual Seeker, we offer an intriguing course called How to Play and Win The Human Game.
Soul Peeps Course: NDE 777 – How to Play and Win The Human Game
Spiritual Development Level: Advanced Spiritual Seeker with advanced knowledge of NDEs.
Grief: This 8-week online course is only for those who are far along on their grief journey.
This advanced course takes a deep dive into The Game of Life and what it all means for how we should live and love. This paradigm-shattering, online course and discussion group is definitely geared for the Advanced Spiritual Seeker and is not for the faint of heart, mind, or soul. It’s only for those who are already well-versed in NDEs and are far along in their spiritual and/or grief journey.
If you have at least 10 people who would like take this course, you can email us at [email protected] to arrange a special course for your book club, grief group, church group, mom’s group, etc.
Prerequisites: Recommended to take NDE 101 and NDE 210 before NDE 777